Erika Levy
Champions with challenges
Swim Meet
March 20-21 / 2020
Atlanta / EUA
Host Club: Global Adaptive Aquatics, lntercultural fest and West Gwinnet Park Aquatic Center."
Meet Director:
Constanza Sweeney This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lead Admin Official/ Meet Entries
Helmut Levy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
West Gwinnett Park Aq uatics Center
4488 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Norcross, Ga 30071
West Gwinnet Park Aquatic Center is a 25-yard by 25-meter competition Indoor Pool with 750-seat spectator area. A separate warm down pool is available.
Athletes/Coaches Reception
An athletes and coaches reception (Intercultural fest event) will be held on Friday, March 20 from 18:00-20:00 hrs, for athletes entered into the meet, their coaches and their families. All are encouraged to attend.
Basic concessions suitable for a swim meet will be available.
Open to all swimmers with Down Syndrome and intellectual disability/intellectual impairment. This is an open meet with no time standards.
Swimmers Entry Limit
Swimmers are allowed to swim up to 3 individual events per session.
Meet Format
This is a timed final meet.
Entry Deadline
Friday, March 6, 2020 @ 18.00hrs
Entry Fees
Entry fee is $50.00 per swimmer, which includes a meet t-shirt (please remember to include size with entry). Entries received after the entry deadline is not guaranteed a shirt.
Warm Ups
Open warm up will be utilized in all pools.
Only coaches and assistants will be allowed behind the blocks at the start of each event. Coaches are encouraged to enjoy the amenities of the hospitality area. All credentials must be up to date in order for coaches to be allowed on the pool deck. Proof of credentials may be required for deck access and hospitality. NO Parents or Relatives on pool deck at any time.
Coaches Meeting
A coaches meeting will be held on Saturday March 16, at 07:45 AM.
All events are timed finals. There are not time standards for entry into any events.
Scoring and Awards
There will medals for First-Second-Third in each heat. No individual or team score will be kept.
Session 1 - Warm-up available 08:00 To 08:25; Start time 08:30 AM
Session 2 - Warm-up available 06:00 To 06:25; Start time 06:30 PM
Intercultural Fest prides itself on the hospitality that is provided and is open to all registered coaches and officials.
All ind ividuals and teams are responsible for their own accommodations. A list of hotels will be provided on the GAA website.
Session 1 - Morning session (3.5 hours):
Warm-ups from 8:00am - 8:25am / Competition Start at 8:30am
Session 1 / 1O&under and 11-14 age groups (Girls/Boys)
Alternating age group in each event
(Ex: first 100 free 1O&under (G/B}, then 100 Free 11-13 (G/B)
Warm-ups from 6:00pm - 6:25pm I Competition Start at 6:30pm
Session 2 I 14-17 and 18 & older age groups (Women/Men)
Alternating age group in each event
(Ex: first 200 free 14-17(W-M), then 200 Free 18+ (W/M)
All entries must be received by 6:000 PM, Friday, March 6, 2020, to be considered accepted.
Please make checks paya ble to G.A.A.
Email Entries to: Coach Helmut Levy (swim@globaladaptiveaquatics. org)
Mail Fees and Liability Release to:
Coach Helmut Levy
4488 Peachtree Industrial Blvd
Norcross, GA 30071